Required Classes
Breastfeeding Awareness —2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Breastfeeding Awareness: Participants will learn the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and children, strategies for supporting breastfeeding mothers, and how to handle breast milk. This class meets the requirements for MSDE’s breastfeeding awareness training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 Hours (Health, Safety, Nutrition).
CEUs: .20
This is a self-paced class. No face-to-face or Zoom instruction is required.
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Emergency Preparedness (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 6 (3 Health, Safety, Nutrition & 3 Hours Professionalism)
This 6-hour course is designed to meet the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care for Emergency Preparedness. Students will develop a comprehensive plan to follow when a disaster or emergency occurs.
Family Child Care Pre-Service Training
24 Hours (CD/4; Cur/4; HSN/4; COM/4; SN/4;PRO/4)
This comprehensive training program equips aspiring family child care providers with the essential knowledge and skills to create a nurturing and stimulating home environment for young children. This program fulfills the pre-service training requirements for individuals seeking to open a family child care business.
Safe Sleep Practices: SIDS Awareness Training/Prácticas de sueño seguro: capacitación sobre el síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Los participantes aprenderán sobre el síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL) y estrategias para crear entornos de sueño seguros como medida preventiva.
Breastfeeding Awareness/Concientización sobre la lactancia materna—2 Hours (Self-Paced) -
COK Hours: 2 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Concienciación sobre la lactancia materna: los participantes aprenderán los beneficios de la lactancia materna para las madres y los niños, las estrategias para apoyar a las madres que amamantan y cómo manipular la leche materna. Esta clase cumple con los requisitos para la capacitación sobre concienciación sobre la lactancia materna del MSDE. Horas de conocimiento básico (COK): 2 horas (salud, seguridad, nutrición).
CEU: 0.20
Esta es una clase a su propio ritmo. No se requieren instrucciones presenciales ni por Zoom.