If a student's courses are paid for by someone else, they authorize those individuals to access their student accounts.
Infant Teacher Bundle: Breastfeeding & SIDS
This bundle includes Breastfeeding Awareness and SIDS Awareness
Disponible en EspañolPaquete de maestras infantiles: lactancia materna y SMSL (Infant Teacher Bundle: Breastfeeding & SIDS) (Self-Paced)
Paquete de maestras infantiles: lactancia materna y SMSL (Infant Teacher Bundle: Breastfeeding & SIDS) (Self-Paced)
Este paquete incluye información sobre lactancia materna y SMSL Awareness
Newbie Bundle (Spanish): 9-Hour Communication & Child Care Aide Orientation
The bundle includes the 9-hour communication Class and The Child Care Aide Orientation.
Both classes must be for the same student.
Child Development
Approaches to Learning (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Hours (Child Development)
The Approaches to Learning domain focuses on how children learn. In this workshop, participants will learn how to support children in developing strong approaches to learning.
Building Resilience In Young Children--2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Child Development)
Building Resilience In Young Children: Life can be challenging—even for children. Children need to learn coping skills to address setbacks. Through this workshop, participants will learn ten strategies for helping children build resiliency. Prerequisite knowledge required: understanding of the concept of resiliency. Competent Level Training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Child Development)
Learning Outcomes:
1. Define resilience.
2. State how resilience is developed.
3. Identify ways early childhood educators can children become more resilient.
Child Development Principles: Cognition and Learning—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Child Development)
Child Development Principles: Cognition and Learning: Participants will review eight principles of child development and how to apply each to the classroom. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Child Development)
Children’s Literature: Books That Spark Conversations About Resilience (Self-Paced)
3.5 Hours Child Development
Children’s Literature: Books That Spark Conversations About Resilience (Self-Paced)
Join us for an inspiring workshop, "Children’s Literature: Books That Spark Conversations About Resilience," where you'll delve into the heartwarming world of children's stories that do more than entertain—they teach resilience and inspire courage. 3.5 Hours Child Development
Culturally Responsive Teaching—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (1 Hour Child Development, .5 Hour Curriculum, 1 Hour Professionalism)
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Quality early childhood programs are not only respectful of the culture of enrolled families, but they also seek ways to integrate those cultures in meaningful ways. The purpose of this training is to help teachers develop a transformative approach to culture where the curriculum changes to show different viewpoints throughout all teaching. Competent Level Training
Developing and Understanding Math Sets In Early Childhood Education—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Child Development)
Developing and Understanding Math Sets In Early Childhood Education: Sets are fundamental to our number system. Sets are the basis of our ability to name things, categorize, describe amounts, and make comparisons. This course will help Early Childhood Educators to develop strategies for including sets as part of their math curriculum. Competent Level Training:
Empowering Little Hands: A Practical Workshop on Fine Motor Skill Building (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Hours Child Development
Fine motor skills are integral to development, influencing tasks like writing, dressing, and feeding. Crucial in early childhood, these skills form the foundation for academic success, independence, and cognitive growth. Participants in the workshop will learn how to implement age-appropriate activities that foster fine motor development.
Four Key Child Development Concepts Every Early Childhood Educator Should Know—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Child Development)
Through this workshop, participants will learn how brain architecture, serve and return, stress, and resilience impact child development. Participants will explore the concept of trauma-informed care. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Child Development)
From Scribbles to Stories: Early Childhood Writing Development Workshop—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Delve deep and expand your understanding of emergent writing. In this engaging session, we will break down the concept of emergent writing, explore the crucial stages of its development, and uncover the diverse categories that emerge within this fascinating journey.
Getting Ready For Accreditation: Child Assessment—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (2 Child Development/1 Community)
Child assessment in early childhood refers to gathering and evaluating information about a young child's development and learning progress. This course offers an overview of Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators related to child assessment that educators should consider when making curriculum decisions. This is a competent level training. Pre-Requisite: One year of classroom experience.
It’s Nap Time! The Importance of High-Quality Nap Time Routines in the Preschool Setting—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 (1 Hour Child Development & 1 Hour Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Through this workshop, participants will learn the developmental needs of nap time and how to engage in nap-promotion strategies. Participants will also discuss why children may not sleep and how best to support those non-nappers. Core Knowledge Hours: 2 (1 Hour Child Development & 1 Hour Health, Safety & Nutrition)
“Magic 8” Early Childhood Practices: Eight Key Educator Actions To Positively Influence Development And Program Quality—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced
COK Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
“Magic 8” Early Childhood Practices: Eight Key Educator Actions To Positively Influence Development And Program Quality: Through this workshop, participants will learn eight actions early childhood educators can take to influence children's development positively. These eight actions will also improve the overall quality of the early learning program. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
Mind Matters: Focusing on Young Children's Cognitive Development—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
CKO Hours: 2 Hours Child Development
This course thoroughly explores the essential dimension of cognitive development in young children, examining foundational concepts and providing practical strategies to nurture their cognitive growth. Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of cognitive development, becoming adept at identifying its key components. The course will also review effective strategies to bolster and enrich cognitive development in young learners.
School-Age Development: Waiting on The Frontal Lobe (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
The brain's frontal lobe is the seat of executive function, a term for the cognitive processes that allow us to plan, make decisions and judgments, formulate insight, and assess risk. The maturing of the forward regions of the brain, particularly the frontal lobe, doesn’t occur until late adolescence or early adulthood. Participants will learn how this impacts development and strategies for supporting adolescents during this development period. This is competent level training. Pre-requisite: 45-Hour School Age Class.
Stop Bullying Before It Starts--2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Child Development)
To prevent bullying before it starts, we need to focus on how bullying behaviors develop—for those engaging in bullying and those being targeted— beginning in early childhood. This course helps early childhood professionals to understand bully behaviors and to distinguish them from typical child behaviors. Participants will also be given strategies to prevent bullying in the early childhood program. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Child Development).
Strategies For Reducing Biting Incidents in The Early Childhood Setting—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
Strategies For Reducing Biting Incidents in The Early Childhood Setting: Participants will learn why young children bite and how the teacher's perspectives influence their approach to biting incidents through this workshop. Participants will learn strategies for effectively responding to biting. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
Supporting a Growth Mindset in Early Childhood Education—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Child Development)
Supporting a Growth Mindset in Early Childhood Education: Through this workshop, participants will learn about growth and fixed mindsets. Participants will also learn strategies for creating an environment that supports a growth mindset. Prerequisite knowledge required: understanding of the concept of mindset. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Child Development).
Supporting Boys in Early Childhood Classroom—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (1.5 Curriculum and 1 Child Development)
Supporting Boys in Early Childhood Classroom: The needs of boys and girls differ widely. Early Childhood professionals must consider these differences in their planning and teaching. This course provides some practical strategies for creating a responsive early childhood environment for boys. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (1.5 Curriculum and 1 Child Development)
Supporting Dual Language Learners in The Early Childhood Program—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Through this course, participants will learn about English Language acquisition and strategies to support the process in developmentally and culturally appropriate ways.
Teacher Talk: Language Modeling and Conversation—4 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 4 (1 Hour Child Development & 3 Hours Curriculum)
Teacher Talk: Language Modeling and Conversation: Conversations help young children develop and learn new skills. Through this workshop, participants will learn to utilize “thick” conversations, expanded conversations, questions, and novel words. These skills will help teachers build and extend children’s vocabulary; assist children in learning how to communicate more clearly and accurately; provide opportunities to learn new concepts and skills, and foster children’s ability to communicate their feelings and ideas verbally. Prerequisite knowledge required: Knowledge of developmentally appropriate stages of language development. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 4 (1 Hour Child Development & 3 Hours Curriculum)
Ten Factors That Influence Children's Behavior—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
Through this workshop, participants will learn ten factors that influence children’s behavior. When early childhood educators recognize challenging behaviors as reactions to environmental conditions and developmental phases, it allows them to respond proactively and in developmentally appropriate ways.
Ten Strategies Accepting Feedback and Using It As A Tool For Growth—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism).
Ten Strategies Accepting Feedback and Using It As A Tool For Growth: Constructive Feedback is vital for ongoing professional growth. Feedback motivates, provides direction, and clarifies expectations. Through this course, early childhood educators will learn how to effectively receive feedback. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism).
The Benefits of Messy Play—4 Hours (Self-Paced)
4 Hours (2 Child Development/2 Curriculum)
Messy play is the open-ended exploration of materials and their properties. Through this course, participants will learn benefits and strategies for including playdough, water play, sand play, and kitchen concoctions as a part of the early learning curriculum.
The Power and Potential of Questions—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Child Development)
The Power and Potential of Questions: Early Childhood Educators ask countless daily questions. The purpose of this workshop is to help Early Childhood Educators to examine the types of questions that they ask. When educators understand the power and potential of questions, they are more likely to ask higher-level questions and strengthen children’s cognitive development skills. (Intermediate Level Training). Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Child Development). CEUs: .30
The Seven Assets of Social Competence—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Hours (Child Development)
Social competence enables children to interact and maintain mutually satisfying relationships with peers. Children can better engage in play and other interactions with their peers with strong social competence skills. In this workshop, participants will learn the seven assets of social competence and support them in the early learning environment. Core of Knowledge Hours: 2.5 Hours (Child Development)
Tuning Into Play: Using Schema Theory To Plan More Engaging Activities (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Teachers often become frustrated with children’s repetitive behaviors such as dumping out toys, playing with the same toys repeatedly, knocking down other children’s block towers, etc. This course helps early childhood educators to understand these actions through the lens of schema theory and how to respond to repetitive behaviors in developmentally appropriate ways. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Understanding and Preventing Childhood Obesity (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health. This workshop will teach participants about obesity, its long-term consequences, and strategies to reduce childhood obesity.
Understanding and Preventing Suspensions and Expulsions in Early Childhood Education (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Child Development)
Increasingly, early childhood educators are expelling young children from child care programs due to challenging behaviors. This course reviews a more expansive definition and consequences of suspension and expulsion. Early Childhood Educators should take this course to learn some strategies for reducing the risk of an over-reliance on this behavior management strategy. (Intermediate Level Training)
Understanding the Importance of Executive Function & Self Regulation in ECE—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (1 Hour Child Development & 1 Hour Curriculum)
Through this workshop, participants will learn the components of executive functions and identify activities and teaching strategies that can easily be implemented to strengthen them.
Belonging, Being, Becoming—6 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 6 (Community)
Educators play a crucial role in understanding each child’s unique attributes, their families, and the broader community in which they are embedded. Educators can cultivate a classroom environment that fosters a child’s deep sense of belonging, being, and becoming. This is a competent level training.
Beyond Doughnuts For Dad--Creating A Father-Friendly Early Childhood Program—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 3 Hours (Community).
Beyond Doughnuts For Dad--Creating A Father-Friendly Early Childhood Program: Engaged fathers—whether they live with their children or not—contribute to their children's well-being, families, and communities. Learn ways to create an environment where fathers are welcomed, valued, and respected in your program.
Blueprints for Belonging: Building Supportive Environments For Families Experiencing Foster Care (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Community
This comprehensive workshop is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and tools to support children navigating the complexities of the foster care system. It delves into the intricacies of trauma-informed care, behavioral strategies, and the creation of nurturing educational settings that cater to the unique needs of foster children.
Building Bridges: The 5 R's of Family Engagement in Early Childhood Education (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 Community
This training course emphasizes the importance of family engagement in early childhood education through the 5 R's: Respect, Responsiveness, Reassurance, Relationship, and Reciprocity. Aimed at educators, it strengthens collaborative relationships with families as key partners in education. Participants will learn strategies to create inclusive environments, communicate effectively, and build meaningful connections with diverse family backgrounds.
Building Resilient Futures: Through Equitable Family Engagement (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Community)
Participants will explore the dynamic role of families in shaping the early childhood experience. This course unpacks five keys to Equitable Family Engagement, recognizing families as influential decision-makers, embracing uniqueness and resilience, and their central role in a child's development and learning. This course empowers participants to create environments where families are recognized as partners and contribute significantly to building resilient futures for the youngest members of our communities.
Child Care Aide Orientation—3 Hours (Self Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)
Through this course, participants will learn practical skills in proper supervision, professionalism, and parent engagement, equipping them for the challenges of their role. This course is required for all classroom aides who have not completed 90-Clock Hours of training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)
- Define and explain proper child supervision.
- Define workplace professionalism.
- Discuss strategies for parent engagement.
Disponible en Español
Offer Valid: September 14-October 31, 2024. Not Valid For Previous Purchases.
Conducting Family Conferences That Lead to Connection (Self-Paced)
This course explores the significance of family connections in early childhood and how family conferences are a powerful tool for cultivating and strengthening these connections. Participants will gain insights into the benefits of fostering strong family ties and acquire practical strategies to conduct family conferences effectively.
Creating A Community of Learners--2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Community).
Creating A Community of Learners: A community of learners is a group of people who support each other in their collective and individual learning. They are cooperative and can work productively together. In a community of learners, teachers, parents, and students together construct a culture that values the strengths of all participants and respects their interests, abilities, languages, and dialects. This course examines how to build and sustain a real community of learners. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Community).
Creating A Culturally Affirming Learning Environment (Self-Paced)
Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Community)
Creating A Culturally Affirming Learning Environment: A teacher’s affirming attitude toward students from culturally diverse backgrounds significantly impacts student learning. Participants will learn ten strategies for creating a culturally affirming learning environment. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Community)
Engage, Empower, Connect: Parent Communication Essentials in Early Education (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 Community
This course helps educators foster meaningful family partnerships through frequent, clear, and direct communication. Embracing a strength-based approach, the course highlights ten positive communication strategies that help educators Engage, Empower, and Connect with families.
Engaging Every Family: Ten Strategies to Improve Family Engagement—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 3 Hours-Community
Participants will reexamine their definition of families and explore ways to broaden family engagement strategies to includes today’s diverse family structures.
Ethical Practices and Confidentiality in Early Childhood Education—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
2 COK Hours: Community
This course is designed for early childhood educators to deepen their understanding and application of workplace ethics and confidentiality. Participants will explore essential principles and strategies for securely managing and communicating sensitive information.
Equity Through Family Engagement—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 Community
This course equips educators and school staff with the skills to engage diverse families and foster equitable educational environments. Participants will learn about equity vs. equality, explore inclusivity strategies, and address the complexities of family engagement, cultural influences, and implicit biases.
Getting Ready For Accreditation: Child Assessment—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (2 Child Development/1 Community)
Child assessment in early childhood refers to gathering and evaluating information about a young child's development and learning progress. This course offers an overview of Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators related to child assessment that educators should consider when making curriculum decisions. This is a competent level training. Pre-Requisite: One year of classroom experience.
I am My Culture; My Culture is Me: Culture and Child Development—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Community)
Educators must understand how a child’s cultural influences affect their development. Participants will explore fostering a culturally responsive learning environment.
Mindful Mornings: Fostering Emotional Well-being During Transitions (Self-Paced)
CKO: 2 Hours Community
This course equips early childhood educators with strategies to manage morning transitions effectively. It addresses the challenges faced by children, parents, and educators, providing techniques to create welcoming routines, enhance communication, and support children's emotional and developmental needs. Participants learn to establish predictable schedules, use engaging activities, and foster independence, ensuring a positive start to the day.
One Family, Two Homes: Supporting Families Experiencing Divorce—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Community
Participants will learn strategies for supporting children whose families are experiencing divorce.
Orientación para Asistentes de Cuidado Infantil - 3 horas (Autodirigido)/Child Care Aide Orientation—3 Hours (Self Paced)
Oferta válida: del 15 de septiembre al 31 de octubre de 2024. No es válida para compras anteriores.
COK Horas: 3 (1 Profesionalismo, I Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición, y 1 Comunidad)
A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre la supervisión adecuada, el profesionalismo y la participación de los padres. Este curso es obligatorio para todos los auxiliares de clase que no hayan completado 90 horas de capacitación.
A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre la supervisión adecuada, la profesionalidad y la participación de los padres. Este curso es obligatorio para todos los asistentes de aula que aún necesiten completar 90 horas de capacitación. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Horas: 3 (1 Profesionalismo, I Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición, y 1 Comunidad)
- Defina y explique la supervisión infantil adecuada.
- Definir profesionalismo en el lugar de trabajo.
- Discutir estrategias para la participación de los padres.
Using Guidance As A Tool To Teach Democratic Life Skills (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Community)
Democratic life skills are the emotional and social capacities individuals need to function civilly in a modern, diverse, and complex democratic society. Through this course, participants will learn five strategies for teaching democratic life skills developmentally appropriately.
Culturally Responsive Teaching—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (1 Hour Child Development, .5 Hour Curriculum, 1 Hour Professionalism)
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Quality early childhood programs are not only respectful of the culture of enrolled families, but they also seek ways to integrate those cultures in meaningful ways. The purpose of this training is to help teachers develop a transformative approach to culture where the curriculum changes to show different viewpoints throughout all teaching. Competent Level Training
Ditching Criss-Cross-Applesauce And Embracing Movement in Large Group Activities (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Hours (Curriculum)
Traditional sitting positions during circle time, such as "criss-cross applesauce," may not be suitable for all children due to developmental challenges and the potential negative impact on attention, engagement, and emotional well-being. In this workshop, we will explore alternative strategies that allow for a variety of sitting positions and incorporate active motor play to enhance children's learning experience.
Emotionally Responsive Teaching—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 (Curriculum)
Emotionally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogical approach that recognizes the pivotal role of emotions in the learning process. Participants will define Emotionally Responsive Teaching and learn its seven foundational principles.
From Scribbles to Stories: Early Childhood Writing Development Workshop—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Delve deep and expand your understanding of emergent writing. In this engaging session, we will break down the concept of emergent writing, explore the crucial stages of its development, and uncover the diverse categories that emerge within this fascinating journey.
Getting Ready For Accreditation: Environmental Print—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 2.5 Curriculum
Environmental print is the print of everyday life. Participants will learn about environmental print and MSDE program accreditation standards related to environmental print.
Getting Ready For Accreditation: Learning Environments—4 Hour (Self-Paced)
COK:4 Hours Curriculum
Research tells us children learn best in environments where they can have secure relationships with caring and responsive adults, feel safe, and feel free to explore and learn. This course highlights the importance of the environment. It provides an overview of relevant Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators that educators should consider when creating and maintaining developmentally appropriate learning environments.
Getting Ready for Accreditation: Literacy—4 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 4 Hours (Curriculum)
Literacy refers to the development of language and communication skills in young children. It encompasses various aspects of language learning, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This course highlights the importance of literacy and provides an overview of relevant Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators that educators should consider when creating and maintaining developmentally appropriate learning environments.
Getting Ready for Accreditation: Pedagogy—6 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 6 Curriculum
Pedagogy refers to the theory and practice of education and teaching. This course highlights the importance of effective pedagogy. It provides an overview of relevant Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators related to pedagogy that educators should consider when creating and maintaining developmentally appropriate learning environments.
Getting Ready for Accreditation: Responsive Caregiving—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK:3 Hours Curriculum
Responsive caregiving is an approach to teaching that emphasizes attentiveness, sensitivity, and responsiveness to a child's needs and cues. This course highlights the importance of responsive caregiving. It provides an overview of relevant Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators that educators should consider when creating and maintaining developmentally appropriate learning environments.
Getting Ready For Accreditation: Science, Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 3.5 Hours Curriculum
In early childhood education, STEM represents an integrated approach encompassing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This course offers an overview of Maryland Program Accreditation standards and indicators related to STEM and what educators should consider when making curriculum decisions. This is a competent level training. Pre-Requisite: One year of classroom experience.
Going From Me To We: Social Studies in the Early Childhood Program—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Curriculum)
Going From Me To We: Social Studies in the Early Childhood Program: Social studies form the foundation for "civic competence." This course will help participants learn how to implement a developmentally appropriate social studies curriculum. This is a competent level training. Prerequisites Required--Experience teaching preschool-aged children. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Curriculum)
Including Technology in The Early Childhood Program—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Curriculum)
Including Technology in The Early Childhood Program: Technology is a tool. When used correctly, technology can support and advance children’s learning. Participants should take this workshop to learn strategies for integrating technology into the early childhood program in developmentally appropriate ways. Prerequisite Knowledge Required: An understanding of the importance of using a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that support a child’s knowledge of technology and computer skills. Competent Level Training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Curriculum)
It’s Nap Time! The Importance of High-Quality Nap Time Routines in the Preschool Setting—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 (1 Hour Child Development & 1 Hour Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Through this workshop, participants will learn the developmental needs of nap time and how to engage in nap-promotion strategies. Participants will also discuss why children may not sleep and how best to support those non-nappers. Core Knowledge Hours: 2 (1 Hour Child Development & 1 Hour Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Managing The Early Childhood Classroom—4 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 4 (Curriculum)
Classroom management creates a set of expectations used in an organized classroom environment. Effective classroom management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning. Through this workshop, participants will learn the importance of a daily schedule and established routines, strategies to promote smooth transitions, effectively select developmentally appropriate learning materials, and considerations for physical space/arrangements.
4 Hours Curriculum
Measure Up! Supporting Children’s Understanding of Measurements—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Curriculum)
Measure Up! Supporting Children’s Understanding of Measurements: Measurement is more than using a ruler. It involves critical mathematical concepts that can be supported in the preschool classroom through children’s everyday problem-solving. Participants will learn strategies for supporting as they develop an understanding of measurement. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Curriculum)
More Than Counting--Developmentally Appropriate Math Concepts for Young Children—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Curriculum)
More Than Counting--Developmentally Appropriate Math Concepts for Young Children: Early childhood teachers must challenge their students beyond the minimal expectation of rote counting. This course provides a foundation for expanding mathematics in their classroom. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Curriculum)
Open-Ended Art in Early Childhood Education—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 Curriculum
Open-ended art is an activity where children can use their imagination to explore various materials without specific instructions or teacher-imposed expectations for a final product. Participants will examine strategies for greater inclusion of open-ended art in early childhood settings. This is a competent level training. Pre-requisites: Experience facilitating art curriculum in an early childhood setting. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Curriculum)
Puppets in the Classroom: Creative Strategies for Engaging Young Minds—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 Hours Curriculum
This innovative course is designed for educators interested in integrating puppetry into educational settings to enhance learning and engagement among young children. Participants will explore the multifaceted roles of puppets in early childhood education. The course offers a deep dive into the developmental benefits of puppetry and basic puppeteering techniques. By the end of this course, attendees will be equipped with creative strategies to captivate and educate young minds effectively using puppets.
Multi-Age-Groupings: Seven Benefits of Mixed Aged Grouping in Early Childhood (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Curriculum)
A multi-age classroom is not merely a group of different-aged students placed in the same class. Instead, it is a well-organized and thoroughly thought out program designed to take advantage of the natural diversity created. This course is designed to highlight the benefits of mixed-age grouping. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Curriculum)
Superheroes: An Opportunity For Prosocial Play—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Curriculum)
Through this workshop, participants will explore and address some common concerns about superhero play in the early childhood setting. Participants will also learn some of the benefits of superhero play.
Supporting Boys in Early Childhood Classroom—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (1.5 Curriculum and 1 Child Development)
Supporting Boys in Early Childhood Classroom: The needs of boys and girls differ widely. Early Childhood professionals must consider these differences in their planning and teaching. This course provides some practical strategies for creating a responsive early childhood environment for boys. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (1.5 Curriculum and 1 Child Development)
Supporting Dual Language Learners in The Early Childhood Program (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Through this course, participants will learn about English Language acquisition and strategies to support the process in developmentally and culturally appropriate ways.
Teacher Talk: Language Modeling and Conversation—4 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 4 (1 Hour Child Development & 3 Hours Curriculum)
Teacher Talk: Language Modeling and Conversation: Conversations help young children develop and learn new skills. Through this workshop, participants will learn to utilize “thick” conversations, expanded conversations, questions, and novel words. These skills will help teachers build and extend children’s vocabulary; assist children in learning how to communicate more clearly and accurately; provide opportunities to learn new concepts and skills, and foster children’s ability to communicate their feelings and ideas verbally. Prerequisite knowledge required: Knowledge of developmentally appropriate stages of language development. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 4 (1 Hour Child Development & 3 Hours Curriculum)
The Benefits of Messy Play—4 Hours (Self-Paced)
4 Hours (2 Child Development/2 Curriculum)
Messy play is the open-ended exploration of materials and their properties. Through this course, participants will learn benefits and strategies for including playdough, water play, sand play, and kitchen concoctions as a part of the early learning curriculum.
Tuning Into Play: Using Schema Theory To Plan More Engaging Activities (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Teachers often become frustrated with children’s repetitive behaviors such as dumping out toys, playing with the same toys repeatedly, knocking down other children’s block towers, etc. This course helps early childhood educators to understand these actions through the lens of schema theory and how to respond to repetitive behaviors in developmentally appropriate ways. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (1.5 Curriculum/1.5 Child Development)
Understanding the Importance of Executive Function & Self Regulation in ECE—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (1 Hour Child Development & 1 Hour Curriculum)
Through this workshop, participants will learn the components of executive functions and identify activities and teaching strategies that can easily be implemented to strengthen them.
Using Children’s Literature To Explore Math Concepts—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Curriculum)
Picture books are an excellent tool for children to discover mathematics. Through this workshop, participants will learn how to use children’s books to explore counting, sorting, patterns, measurement, graphing, and equivalency.
Whee! Giggles & Gains: Unfolding the Potential of Parachute Play
COK: 2 Hours (Curriculum)
This workshop explores the surprising benefits of this classic activity. You'll explore how parachute play helps children develop in many ways, from gross motor skills to teamwork and imagination. We'll transform your perspective on parachutes and equip you with a toolbox of engaging games and activities to use at home, school, or anywhere fun happens with kids!
Health, Safety & Nutrition
Active Supervision In The Early Childhood Classroom—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Active supervision requires focused attention and intentional observation of children at all times. Programs that use active supervision never leave children unattended. Through this workshop, participants will learn about active supervision and strategies for implementation.
Becoming A Sun Safe School—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Health, Safety, Nutrition)
Becoming A Sun Safe School: A sun safety school policy can significantly reduce skin cancer risk, especially when the policy is comprehensive and it strongly encourages sun-safe behaviors. This course is designed to help Early Childhood Educators create a supportive, caring environment where sun safety policies and practices are integrated with other health and safety practices. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 Hours (Health, Safety, Nutrition)
Breastfeeding Awareness —2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Breastfeeding Awareness: Participants will learn the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and children, strategies for supporting breastfeeding mothers, and how to handle breast milk. This class meets the requirements for MSDE’s breastfeeding awareness training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 Hours (Health, Safety, Nutrition).
CEUs: .20
This is a self-paced class. No face-to-face or Zoom instruction is required.
Disponible en Español
Child Abuse And Neglect—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 3 Hours Health, Safety & Nutrition
Child Abuse and Neglect: This training is designed to define child abuse and neglect and potential indicators of such maltreatment. Participants will also learn what it means to be a mandated reporter, where and how to report incidents, and proper documentation collection techniques. Core of Knowledge: 3 Hours (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Child Care Aide Orientation—3 Hours (Self Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)
Through this course, participants will learn practical skills in proper supervision, professionalism, and parent engagement, equipping them for the challenges of their role. This course is required for all classroom aides who have not completed 90-Clock Hours of training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)
- Define and explain proper child supervision.
- Define workplace professionalism.
- Discuss strategies for parent engagement.
Disponible en Español
Offer Valid: September 14-October 31, 2024. Not Valid For Previous Purchases.
Effectively Implementing Calming Corners (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 Hours (Health, Safety and Nutrition)
This course explores creating and implementing calming areas to support emotional and sensory needs. Participants will learn strategies for setting up these spaces, including resource selection to address diverse sensory preferences and fostering a supportive environment that promotes relaxation, emotional regulation, and enhanced learning outcomes.
Effects of Food Insecurity: More Than Hunger (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Participants will learn about food insecurity, how it impacts child development and community resources to support food-insecure families. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Emergency Preparedness (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 6 (3 Health, Safety, Nutrition & 3 Hours Professionalism)
This 6-hour course is designed to meet the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care for Emergency Preparedness. Students will develop a comprehensive plan to follow when a disaster or emergency occurs.
Family Style Dining in the Early Childhood Program—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Health, Safety, and Nutrition).
Family Style Dining in the Early Childhood Program: Family-style dining is an opportunity for teachers and children to sit together during mealtime. This course provides instruction on maximizing this time together to advance the curriculum, social development, and manners. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Health, Safety, and Nutrition).
Learning Outcomes:
- Define family-style dining.
- Identify the benefits of family-style dining.
- List adult roles in family-style dining.
- Plan for a well-facilitated family-style meal.
- Express the value of interactions during family-style dining.
- Identify curricular goals that can be accomplished during family-style dining.
I Don’t Like That! Supporting Picky Eaters As They Fully Develop Their Palate—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
(COK) Hours: 3 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Don’t Like That! Supporting Picky Eaters As They Fully Develop Their Palate: Feeding picky eaters can be challenging. Through this workshop, learn why some children are picky eaters and ten strategies for encouraging them to expand their palate. Core of Knowledge: 3 Hours (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Inclusion At The Table: Adapting Classrooms for All Dietary Needs—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: Health, Safety, Nutrition/2.5
This course is designed to equip educators, caregivers, and school administrators with the necessary tools and knowledge to adapt classroom environments to cater to children with various dietary needs. By understanding and implementing inclusionary practices, professionals can create a supportive, safe, and respectful setting for all students, regardless of their dietary restrictions.
Mindful Munching: Creating Positive Mealtime Experiences (Self-Paced)
COK:2.5 Health, Safety & Nutrition
Explore the enriching world of family-style dining. Learn how communal meals bolster social bonds, enhance communication, and teach valuable life skills like sharing and decision-making. Understand the psychological comforts and nutritional benefits while mastering strategies to foster positive eating habits and social skills during mealtimes.
Nurturing Young Smiles: Introducing Early Oral Health Habits—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 Hours—Health, Safety And Nutrition
Developed in partnership with a pediatric dentist, this workshop introduces Highchair Dental Care, a unique and age-appropriate model designed to integrate dental hygiene seamlessly into your daycare routine. Learn how to gently cleanse the mouths of infants and toddlers immediately after meals and snacks within the highchair setting.
Orientación para Asistentes de Cuidado Infantil - 3 horas (Autodirigido)/Child Care Aide Orientation—3 Hours (Self Paced)
Oferta válida: del 15 de septiembre al 31 de octubre de 2024. No es válida para compras anteriores.
COK Horas: 3 (1 Profesionalismo, I Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición, y 1 Comunidad)
A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre la supervisión adecuada, el profesionalismo y la participación de los padres. Este curso es obligatorio para todos los auxiliares de clase que no hayan completado 90 horas de capacitación.
A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre la supervisión adecuada, la profesionalidad y la participación de los padres. Este curso es obligatorio para todos los asistentes de aula que aún necesiten completar 90 horas de capacitación. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Horas: 3 (1 Profesionalismo, I Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición, y 1 Comunidad)
- Defina y explique la supervisión infantil adecuada.
- Definir profesionalismo en el lugar de trabajo.
- Discutir estrategias para la participación de los padres.
Physical Literacy For School-Age Children (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Health, Safety, Nutrition)
Physically literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engaging in physical activities. In this course, participants will learn how to help children become more physically literate and participate in games that help to develop the basic skills necessary to become physically literate.
Safe Sleep Practices: SIDS Awareness Training/Prácticas de sueño seguro: capacitación sobre el síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Los participantes aprenderán sobre el síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL) y estrategias para crear entornos de sueño seguros como medida preventiva.
Sip by Sip: The Importance Of Children Drinking Water Throughout The Day
COK: 2 Hours (Health, Safety and Nutrition)
This course explores the significance of water consumption for health, highlighting hydration's role in bodily and cognitive functions. It emphasizes the importance of providing accessible water in early learning environments and offers strategies to encourage regular intake among children. Practical tips for fostering a culture of hydration in educational settings are also provided to promote the well-being of young learners.
Sky's The Limit: Expanding Horizons Through Outdoor Play
COK: 2.5 Hours (Health, Safety and Nutrition)
The course emphasizes the critical role of outdoor play in holistic child development, advocating for educational strategies that integrate ample opportunities for children to learn and grow in natural settings. It underscores the necessity of a balanced approach that combines freedom with safety, enabling children to explore their world confidently and creatively.
Understanding and Preventing Childhood Obesity (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Health, Safety & Nutrition)
Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health. This workshop will teach participants about obesity, its long-term consequences, and strategies to reduce childhood obesity.
9-Hour Communication Class (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 9 (Professionalism)
9-Hour Communication Class: This course is designed for childcare professionals to introduce the basic concepts of developing strong communication skills in early care and education. Topics include verbal, non-verbal, written communication, reading strategies, interpersonal communication strategies, and objective listening skills, focusing on communicating with parents, co-workers, and the community, and communication issues within a typical childcare day. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 9 (Professionalism)
Learning Outcomes
- Develop effective communication skills for the early care and education environment. (2 Hours)
- Identify and demonstrate effective listening skills. (1.5 Hours)
- Demonstrate reading strategies that will increase retention and comprehension (1.5 Hours)
- Develop writing strategies that will assist with the successful composition of early care and education documents. (1.5 Hours)
- Demonstrate an understanding of and use for a variety of tools used to record and communicate critical child information. (1.5 Hours)
Disponible en Español
Anti-Biased Practices In Early Childhood Education—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism)
An anti-bias curriculum is an approach to early childhood education that sets forth values-based principles and methodology to support respecting and embracing differences and acting against bias and unfairness. Through this intermediate-level training, early childhood educators will learn the four goals of anti-bias education. Participants will also learn strategies to ensure effective implementation.
Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism)
Child Care Aide Orientation—3 Hours (Self Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)
Through this course, participants will learn practical skills in proper supervision, professionalism, and parent engagement, equipping them for the challenges of their role. This course is required for all classroom aides who have not completed 90-Clock Hours of training. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)
- Define and explain proper child supervision.
- Define workplace professionalism.
- Discuss strategies for parent engagement.
Disponible en Español
Offer Valid: September 14-October 31, 2024. Not Valid For Previous Purchases.
Culturally Responsive Teaching—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (1 Hour Child Development, .5 Hour Curriculum, 1 Hour Professionalism)
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Quality early childhood programs are not only respectful of the culture of enrolled families, but they also seek ways to integrate those cultures in meaningful ways. The purpose of this training is to help teachers develop a transformative approach to culture where the curriculum changes to show different viewpoints throughout all teaching. Competent Level Training
Curso de comunicación de 9 horas/9-Hour Communication Class
9 Hours (Professionalism)
Este curso está diseñado para que los profesionales de la atención infantil
introduzcan los conceptos básicos del desarrollo de sólidas habilidades de comunicación en la atención y educación tempranas. Los temas incluyen la comunicación verbal, no verbal y escrita, las estrategias de lectura, las estrategias de comunicación interpersonal y las habilidades de escucha objetiva, centrándose en la comunicación con los padres, los compañeros de trabajo y la comunidad, y los problemas de comunicación dentro de un día típico de cuidado de niños.
Emergency Preparedness (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 6 (3 Health, Safety, Nutrition & 3 Hours Professionalism)
This 6-hour course is designed to meet the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care for Emergency Preparedness. Students will develop a comprehensive plan to follow when a disaster or emergency occurs.
Orientación para Asistentes de Cuidado Infantil - 3 horas (Autodirigido)/Child Care Aide Orientation—3 Hours (Self Paced)
Oferta válida: del 15 de septiembre al 31 de octubre de 2024. No es válida para compras anteriores.
COK Horas: 3 (1 Profesionalismo, I Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición, y 1 Comunidad)
A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre la supervisión adecuada, el profesionalismo y la participación de los padres. Este curso es obligatorio para todos los auxiliares de clase que no hayan completado 90 horas de capacitación.
A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre la supervisión adecuada, la profesionalidad y la participación de los padres. Este curso es obligatorio para todos los asistentes de aula que aún necesiten completar 90 horas de capacitación. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Horas: 3 (1 Profesionalismo, I Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición, y 1 Comunidad)
- Defina y explique la supervisión infantil adecuada.
- Definir profesionalismo en el lugar de trabajo.
- Discutir estrategias para la participación de los padres.
Highly Effective Early Educators—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism)
Participants will learn what sets highly effective early educators apart through this workshop. Participants will learn ten strategies to help them become highly effective in the early childhood setting.
Maryland State Child Care Association (MSCCA) Membership and Early Childhood Advocacy: How MSCCA Advocates For Maryland’s Early Childhood Community—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
CKO Hours: 2 (Profesionalism)
Through this workshop, participants will learn about the Maryland State Child Care Association’s advocacy efforts, membership benefits, and how to become engaged in the broader early childhood community. This is a proficient level training. Prerequisites: Currently employed in a child care setting and knowledge of Maryland licensing.
Mastering Personal Boundaries: A Comprehensive Course for Healthy Relationships and Self-Empowerment
COK Hours: 2.5 Hours (Professionalism)
This course is designed to help individuals understand the importance of boundaries in personal and professional relationships. Participants will explore different types of boundaries, learn how to define and communicate their own boundaries and understand the impact of boundaries on mental well-being and relationships.
Purposeful Conversations With Parents—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Professionalism).
Offers strategies for communicating with parents. Strategies include: using the 9Ps of Communication, direct and indirect communication, and a three-step communication tool to solve problems. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2(Professionalism).
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn the 9 Ps of Good Communication
- Identify the differences between direct and indirect communication
- Explore a three-step communication tool to solve problems
Ten Strategies Accepting Feedback and Using It As A Tool For Growth—2.5 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism).
Ten Strategies Accepting Feedback and Using It As A Tool For Growth: Constructive Feedback is vital for ongoing professional growth. Feedback motivates, provides direction, and clarifies expectations. Through this course, early childhood educators will learn how to effectively receive feedback. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2.5 (Professionalism).
Understanding and Empowering Children's Voices in Your Early Learning Program (Self-Paced)
COK: 2 Hours (Professionalism)
This course, "Understanding and Empowering Children's Voices," is dedicated to recognizing and nurturing children's unique perspectives, thoughts, and feelings. It delves into how children communicate, both verbally and nonverbally, and highlights the importance of understanding these expressions to support their development. Participants will explore a variety of communication forms, including language, gestures, play, and behavior, to understand how children articulate their inner world.
Special Needs
All Together Now: Building Inclusive Early Education (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Hours: Special Needs
This comprehensive training program equips early childhood educators with the essential knowledge and tools to create an inclusive educational environment. Participants will explore key concepts such as ableism, othering, masking, and learning styles and learn how to implement accommodations and modifications effectively. Through engaging discussions and practical activities, educators will gain insights into fostering an equitable and supportive classroom where all children feel valued and empowered to succeed. The program emphasizes empathy, understanding, and the importance of inclusivity for the holistic development of every child.
Creating Calm: Building Environments That Support Emotional Regulation in Children—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK: 3 Hours (Special Needs)
This comprehensive course is designed for educators who work with children experiencing emotional, behavioral, and cognitive dysregulation. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, participants will learn how to create supportive environments that foster emotional stability and enhance children's ability to regulate their emotions effectively.
Developmentally Appropriate Practices—2 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Special Needs)
Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Early childhood professionals are decision-makers—making many decisions about the children in our programs daily. Understanding DAP – its meaning and intentional practices – is essential in guiding those decisions. Learn the three core components of DAP and guidelines of effective teaching. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 2 (Special Needs)
Functional Behavior Assessments & Positive Behavior Support Plans (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Special Needs)
Understanding the function of children’s behavior is the first step in providing a developmentally appropriate response. Participants will learn how to conduct a functional behavioral assessment and positive behavior support plan. Pre-requisite: Understanding and Preventing Challenging Behaviors course
Inclusive Celebrations: An Anti-Biased Approach to Holidays in Early Childhood Education (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 Community
This course is designed for educators and childcare professionals seeking to create a learning environment that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusion, and promotes an anti-biased approach to holiday activities. Participants will explore strategies for incorporating diverse traditions into lessons while ensuring cultural sensitivity and avoiding stereotypes. The course provides practical tools for small group activities, focusing on identity, diversity, justice, and activism.
Neurodiversity: What is it, and how do we create programs that support neurodiverse children? (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2.5 (Special Needs)
Neurodiversity means that there is a range, or diversity, of ways human brains function. We think, learn, and relate to others in various ways. Through this workshop, participants will examine the neurodiversity theory more closely and explore ways to create a neurodiverse learning environment.
Nurturing Infant Mental Health (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 2 (Special Needs)
Infant mental health refers to how well a child develops socially and emotionally from birth to three. Participants will learn positive mental health strategies.
Relationship-Based Inclusion—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Special Needs)
Building relationships with children and families is the foundation of relationship-based inclusion. Participants will learn twelve guiding principles, including behavioral, emotional, social, physical, and learning challenges.
School-Age Care: Understanding Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Special Needs)
Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) is a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior directed toward authority figures. Participants will learn about the psychology of ODD and strategies for supporting students who exhibit ODD symptoms.
The Neurology of How We Feel: Sensory Processing (Self-Paced)
COK: 3 Hours (Special Needs)
The Neurology of How We Feel: Sensory Processing: Through this workshop, participants will learn about sensory processing, the body’s eight senses, and how to create a sensory-sensitive learning environment for children. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (Special Needs)
Unlocking the World of Words: Inclusive Literacy for Children with Disabilities—3 Hours (Self-Paced)
COK Hours: 3 (Special Needs)
We will emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive, supportive, and collaborative community to ensure that every child can thrive in the world of words regardless of their abilities.